Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Keiko for a response-

Keiko got a response to her email and the response pisses me off too.

As a matter of fact, a lot of the responses I'm reading about piss me off. Like this one, or this one...

I sent an email to the president of PETA, and didn't get a reply. She's still traveling apparently... Then I sent an email to Carrie S., special projects coordinator, at PETA. Didn't get a reply either. Hmm, go figure. It'd been awhile since I sent it, so I went ahead and resent it. Not giving up that easily.

Here's what you can do! Email them, call them, blog about this, tweet about it, and please sign this lovely petition. If you go to read the responses that Keiko got... make sure to check out all the lovely blogs that have fired off their own post/letters about this inappropriate contest.

Here's Resolve's response to this issue.

At the very least, it'd be nice to have an actual apology from PETA, and for them to take the "in honor of NIAW" off their damn contest. It's completely disrespectful to all of us suffering from infertility.

1 comment:

Celia said...

They are on my last nerve. I am exhausted, but I forced myself stay up to blog about it.