Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Not looking good


5wks 5days... just a gestational sac. No yolk sac. It's measuring behind.

There is a spot above the gestational sac that appears to be about the same size, odd shaped, and my RE believes it is a bleed (He also said he does not believe it is another gestational sac.)

He wants me to wait it out and come back in next week, whether I miscarry or not.

I must stay in limbo. This sucks.

At least I got the u/s I wanted, and now have something tangible to hold onto regardless of the outcome. I am thankful for that.

Now, to rest.

This week has sucked big time, and it looks like I am up for another 7 days of suck.



Anonymous said...

Oh hun, I'm sorry you have another week of limbo. Maybe you ovulated a couple days later than you thought, and that's why it's measuring behind? I will continue to hope for you and the baby. I hope the bleeding stops and everything turns out okay. I'm glad you got your something tangible to hold onto.

Antigone said...

I'm sorry but I'm glad you got the ultrasound.

Antigone said...

(There's so much more I want to say but nothing sounds right.)

Guera! said...

I will be keeping you in my thoughts.

Tara said...

I am right here with you in limbo land. I am sorry that we have to wait here.

Unknown said...

I'm happy you have something to hold onto too. Limbo land sucks, it really does. But you've got something to hold onto and no matter what you try to tell yourself you have a just a little hope too. I knew you had to get the US, I just wanted desperately to spare you more pain (though, I know that isn't possible). My heart is with you.

just me, dawn said...

I am so sorry, nothing else sounds right, so I am leaving it with that and I am praying for you.

Kristin said...

Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. I wish there was something I could say or do but it all seems too little. Lots of {{{{{hugs}}}}}.

Debbie said...

Keeping good thoughts for you.

Cara said...

No - Damn - so very sorry.

More limbo really sucks! I'm so glad you got the scan you knew you wanted.

((hugs)) We are here...

Michelle said...

I am so sorry and I know that just sounds so hollow right now. Please let me know if there is anything I can do. I will be keeping you in my thoughts!

Donna said...

I'm so sorry! I'll be thinking of you this week and sending you all of the positive thoughts I can.

Irish Girl said...

clicking by to say my good thoughts are with you and hoping for the swift passage of time.

Virginia said...

I'm so sorry; I came here via Antigone, and I will hold you in my heart.

princessjo1988 said...

I am sorry that the pain is great. That the maybes are so many. And that hope is so far away.

Limbo Land. It's not nice. I am sorry you have to be in that place.


battynurse said...

I'm so sorry about the limbo. I know how horrible it is waiting to know what's going to happen next. I hope the week goes by with minimal fuss and that next week things are more reassuring.

Al said...

The waiting is awful and too many of us understand where you are right now. I'm so very sorry.

Caryn said...

I'm so sorry. I'm here from Antigone's and I'm sending all my good thoughts your way.

Dora said...

Damn! I'm still holding on to hope for you. I know this limbo sucks big time. I'm thinking of you.

The Steadfast Warrior said...

I'm glad you got the ultrasound but I'm so sorry things aren't looking the way they should. At least a bleed could explain your spotting. The limbo place while a sort of safe haven truly sucks and I'm sorry that you have to be there. Do take it easy and rest. Thinking of you.

Mrs. Spit said...

Came from Antigone. I'm sorry. I'll pray, and wish that I could do more.

..al said...

I am glad that you got that ultrasound. Nothing else that I can say would be what I really want to convey. ~Hugs~

~*~Bodhi~*~ said...

Keeping everything crossed for you....


Lea said...

another one of antigone's followers... just wanted to say that i'm so, so sorry.

Lydia said...

Here from Antigone. I am thinking of you.

Mandy said...

Hi there, I am new to your blog, but would just like to say that I had bleeding during my pregnancy up until 18 weeks. There were large bright red, jelly like clots too, but still a heart beat everytime we had a scan. All went very well after 18 weeks, but I then had a pre-term labour at 24 weeks that was caused by a previous surgery on my cervix. Don't want to scare you, but just want to reassure you that bleeding doesn't always mean the baby has died. Try and keep your hopes up. My u/s looked much the same as yours.

Amy said...

Here from Antigone's place. Just want you to know I am thinking of you and sending positive vibes your way!

Anna said...

Found you via Antigone.

I am so sorry for what you're going through. There are no magic words to make it easier to bear, but you're in my thoughts and I'm really hoping that you'll succeed - sooner rather than later. Hang in there.

Celia said...

Girl I am so sorry you are having such a hard road. It is just wrong that getting pregnant is only the first hurdle.

G$ said...

I'm here holding your hand.

Alexicographer said...

Hi. I came over from Antigone's and just wanted to say I'm sorry and that I'm thinking of you.

MrsSpock said...

This stinks. I hope this week passes quickly. *hugs*

'Murgdan' said...

(((hug))) I'm so so sorry. Limbo wait must be the only wait worse than the two week wait, hands down. I wish there was something I could do.

Tash said...

Shit, I know this version of limbo all to well. I'm sorry there weren't definitive answers one way or the other. Waiting with you.