Monday, February 23, 2009


I got a beta, I had them run it stat, so it should be in later today.

They won't give me an u/s.

She said it's too early to see anything, and I said I know but that I wanted to see it since I never got to see mine last time. I told her that if I m/c then I wanted to have that. She still wouldn't let me :(

I already got the beta, and I really don't want to go to the ER. So I probably won't ever see this baby. It might as well already be gone.

I get pregnant, I m/c, and I am never ever gonna see a baby in my womb.

This sucks. I know, I shouldn't give up yet... but I am bleeding a lot, it feels a lot like last time. I even passed a clot a little bit ago. I'm pretty sure it's over.



G$ said...

Oh hun, I am sorry. Hang in there. I will think good thoughts for you.

Bluebird said...

(((Hugs)) sweetie. I have everything crossed that this will work out for you, but am so, so sorry that you're having to deal with this now, regardless. Try to hang in there.

Tara said...

I am so sorry. I wish I had words that would help...

Anonymous said...

Oh sweetie I'm so sorry you are having bleeding. I'm hoping hoping hoping that the beta comes back good and that the bleeding stops. I am so angry that that bitch wouldn't let you have an ultrasound, especially after your explanation of why you wanted one. Maybe you should go to the ER and trick them into giving you an u/s?

HaleyMarieOlson said...

I am so sorry you have to go through this again. I am hoping for a miracle for you, and that your beta comes back great. I'll be praying for you!

Kristin said...

Oh hon...praying hard for you. Call me if you need me. I remember those feelings all too well.

Antigone said...
