Nombie is still alive! Saw the heart beating and movement today, but the OBs machine sucks so we didn't get any good shots. Heck, all we saw was the vague outline of the head, abdominal cavity, and a femur. Which, I mean, that all gave the u/s tech what she needed for her measurements... but I was hoping for something more detailed. Last time sucked too. The photos aren't even worth sharing because you can't see squat.
The u/s tech and OB said the clot is smaller... but it was really hard to see anything because of Nombie blocking everything... which is good, it means Nombie is comparable to the clot now and has a better chance. But also sucks because, well obviously, we couldn't really see the clot. Also, did I mention, their machine kind of sucks :/ So it's really hard for me to gauge anything. On top of that, I think the tech was only measuring the active bleed areas, and not the non-active bleed/clot areas. So I really don't know what to make of anything! Switching to an OB sucks so bad. Their machine is just awful compared to my REs. The OB seemed pleased with the measurements... but I'm still hesitant because I don't really trust the measurements. And I don't think I'm completely psycho obsessing either.
Anyway, I go back Thursday for another check on the clot. C'mon Nombie, keep thriving!
I still haven't gotten my NT scan results from my RE, I left them a message today- hopefully the results are in and my RE can give them to me today. I'll probably just edit this with the results later... since it's been awhile and they still haven't called me back. Or I'll make a whole other post... I don't know. Blah.
(*eta update: RE is on vacation this week... so guess we'll get the results Monday instead.*)
(**eta: My followers/commenter/supporters make me feel loved <3 You are all awesome. )
More bed rest. More waiting. Here we go.
So glad Nombie is thriving...I can only imagine the relief, even if only temporary, when you see the u/s. Good luck, and keep us posted. I have all my fingers and toes crossed that Nombie will make it into the world!
I am so glad for the update! I would use my old ultrasound tech in a hot minute. She was very sensitive to that and would spend a very long time showing us everything. I wish yours was better. But gooooooooooo baby go!
WONDERFUL news on both counts. I'm so happy to read that you are doing well. Thinking of you and hoping that the NT results come back normal. Go, Nombie, go! :)
So glad to hear that you and Nombie are doing well.
What a perfect update! I'm so glad to hear that your lil' Nombie is doing well!
I must confess, I check for updates on your blog at least 4 times a day. I am rooting for you and nombie big time!!!
You are all so amazingly awesome :D Thank you so much.
I am thrilled to hear how well Nombie is doing.
I hear your frustration on the machines though. I hope the Thursday scan is more complete so you can have some solid info about the status of the clot.
Sorry your OB sucks! But, YAY for Nombie hanging on and growing, growing, growing! So happy to read this post!
YAY! I lurk here a lot and read your blog, at LEAST once a day. >.> Go nombie!
So happy the baby is doing great.
BTW if the NT scan was abnormal you would know by now. So breath... :)
Yay for Nombie! I am so glad you got to see the heart beat and movement. I'm sorry the ultrasound machine sucks. Are you going to be seeing a high risk doctor for this pregnancy? They usually have awesome machines.
Yay! Go, Nombie, go! I can't wait to hear Thursday's great report!
yay!!!! grow nombie grow!!!!!:)
lots of hugs to you all!!!!
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