Thursday, May 19, 2011


Got an emergency visit with my RE this morning. The baby is still in there, heart beat was 174bpm. The little placenta is fine. However, I'm still bleeding a lot (and passing some material/clots). The ultrasound showed a SCH, there's a large clot near the baby. The clot is closer to the cervix than the baby is, so my RE is hoping the clot will just dissolve and trickle out... I remain skeptical.

I was concerned that with the bleeding I'm having, that my vaginal progesterone caps might not get absorbed very well. So, we're switching to PIO injections for now. Kind of nervous about that, because I can't do them myself... and my husband is... squimish when it comes to that stuff. I'm hoping he can tough it out and shoot me up though.

I'm back on bed rest. It's a good thing I took a leave of absence from work already, because otherwise I'd have to deal with it today anyway.

I'm also supposed to keep taking my Lovenox... maybe it'll help dissolve the clot? I don't know.

My RE said that there isn't anything we can do about it, which I knew already. But she did say that for some reason women who can't get pregnant, or who tend to miscarry, also tend to get them. Did I win the jackpot or what?

So definite risk for a miscarriage right now, but just going to have to wait this out.

I go back Monday morning for another scan.

Here's to hoping Nombie keeps fighting... and that my stupid Womb of Doom cuts the crap.


BU said...

Hang in there. Nombie is still there. Sending lots of love...

Jess said...

Praying that your little bean holds on tight and the clot dissolves quickly.

Celia said...

Oh baby, thank you for updating- we are all worried. Maybe your RE would be willing to release you to a high risk ob instead of a regular one? Ummm. Eat lots of iron like steak and spinach and drink plenty of fluids to make up for the blood loss.

blueeyedtawni said...

hoping nombie ninja kicks that clot out..much hugs and sending postive sticky vibes!

Rebecca said...

Oh no! I hope that you and Nombie are going to be okay. Keeping you in my thoughts. (((( Hugs ))))

Chrissie said...

Praying that this little one hangs in there. Praying you can rest, praying, praying, praying.

Nancy said...

OK, Nombie, listen up. Wiggle up as high as you can and grab one of mommie's ribs. hold on tight and keep growing.

I'm glad to hear you are still hanging int here, and will keep hoping fort he best result possible for you.

mmsva said...

I just started reading your blog and I'm holding my breath and sending baby dust your way (along with happy, positive thoughts and prayers).
Have you tried vitD? There have been some studies that indicate that taking 5000IU help prevent miscarriage in woman doing ART.
Talk with you doc, but my friend who has gone through 2 years of proceedures, 1-2 miscarriages had her RE put her on 5000 IU of vitD and she finally got pregnant. The doc indicated that the studies only show the it is helpful at the 5000IU dose but not lower. But be careful, because too much vitD can be bad for you.

Nink said...

Your little guy is hanging in there just fine. This clot just needs to pass. Praying so hard the clot trickles out without any harm to the baby! Come on, baby! Fight, fight, fight! said...

Keeping you guys in my prayers!!!

Jessi Wallace said...

Twin? Do you think there was a hidden twin? This just happened to someone else I know... she is also still pregnant after the passing of the "clot" but they came to the conclusion that it was a twin. Is this possible for you?

Unknown said...

Nombie is doing really well, hanging in there. He/she wants to be there! Thinking of you and praying for the best. I'm glad you're on bed rest.

Celia said...

I have been thinking of you. I hope you are curled up on the couch with a cat or two.

AnotherDreamer said...

mmsva: I am on 1,000iu Vit D a day for a deficiency, and I get my levels retested yearly right now. I have recently upped to 2,000iu a day though. When my levels do drop down, my PCP always puts me on 100,000iu D a week for 8 weeks, and it gets my numbers right back up where they need to be.

Jessi W: I don't think so. We've had weekly vaginal u/s's, and nothing else has ever been seen. That seem very unlikely. The tissue/clot passed in the ER didn't appear to be fetal tissue either. We had the abdominal u/s afterward, and didn't see anything there either.

Thank you for the support everyone, it really means a lot to me.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Dreamer, I'm so sorry you've got new stress! Just what you DON'T need! I'm so glad you took a leave already. Keep resting and baby baking! Sending lots of love to you and Nombie!