Nombie is alive and well. We followed up with my RE this morning... HB was 176bpm, CRL was like 2.89cm. Nombie was wiggling and wiggling, waving it's little arms and legs around. Whew.
Bad news... the clot is now up closer to Nombie. And it's increased in size. It was like 3x3 something centimeters, and now it's like 3x4 something centimeters. And as I said... closer to Nombie. I passed a lot of clots last night, and bled bled bled. My RE did say the main part is looking better, like old blood, as if it's healing... so I'm not sure if the bit up by Nombie is a new clot or a branch off of the old part? The placenta still looks fine too.
I don't know. I am bleeding still, and my uterus feels like a combination of how it was after my uterine septum resection operation and the morning after I used Cytotec for the second miscarriage... so sort of bruised from the inside out, and lacerated to hell and back. Tylenol wasn't cutting it, so I have Vicodin now. Good thing too, because sweet word it hurts!!!
hoping and crossing fingers this clot will go away asap... nombie is all snuggly and doesnt need no clot near him/her ..many hugs to you all!
I was reading another blog where the mommah was carrying twins and had a VERY big SCH and went on to have pretty big pink healthy babes. I am rooting for ya and hope with all appendages I can cross that everything will even out and you will have a great pregnancy and of course beautiful babe.
Wishing the best!
OMG I wish with all my heart that all this bs would end and you could just be happy. :( Sending lots of love and light your way.
There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think of you and little Nombie. You are being so strong, just hang in there!
I am scared for you. HANG IN THERE NOMBIE!
sending lots of love and prayers your way. hang in there little Nombie!
Praying hard for you and Nombie.
I want you to have a lucky break. Can't say much, but I want Nombie to continue to whoop SCH ass and thrive on!
So sorry that you are in pain. Just take care!
very very scary, this wee one is giving you a run for the money, huh?
Thinking of you and sending love and best intentions
Hoping like crazy the clot goes away and the baby keeps growing big and healthy!!
Oh look at those little arms! I am so sorry about the scary bleeding. I can only imagine how stressful this is for you and DH. I am thinking of you and hoping BAC (big ass clot) goes away and stops making you go to the ER.
oh my gosh, there can't be more! You're so strong, and Nombie takes after you! Nombie looks so much bigger on the u/s now! I hope all this clot/bleeding business stops once and for all!
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