Nombie is still alive <3 HB 183bpm, and you can see the little head at the top, and arm buds too.
Arm buds. I never thought I'd say that.
We go back next Monday for another ultrasound.
My RE said it would be
I had to have some prenatal blood work done today, and get some refills on meds.
As for the suggestions about getting a doppler, I have been considering it, should Nombie stay with us. I was looking at the Sonoline B 3mhz one online, but have been trying to determine when I should buy one (or if I should rent one). Honestly, it looks like renting one is about as expensive as buying the Sonoline B though. So if anyone has suggestions or opinions about dopplers, I am open to them.
Still taking it one day at a time. I'm terrified and anxious. I thought I was going to have a panic attack in the room today waiting on my RE. I was fine all week, but once we got in there... I just lost it.
oh, thank goodness- keep going nombie!
Many people are pulling for you and your parents!
Thank God, I think I am about as close to being freaked out for you as if I were the one that was pregnant. My heart is full of joy for you.
My two cents about the doppler is that I think it might( might) have helped me avoid GD and would have alleviated a lot of worry. Because Peter was behind the placenta I hardly ever felt him move. I was constantly afraid he was dead, and drinking quarts of pineapple juice to see if the sugar would wake him up. I also poked him constantly, waking him all the time. I was obsessed. I think instead of trying to hide my fears from my doctor, I should have been more honest.
YAY!!!!!!!!!! So so so happy for you and your growing Nombie! He/she looks so healthy and is trucking away just as he/she should!
So happy to see your post. Praying that as Nombie grows your anxiety diminishes.
Very glad your little nombie is still hanging in there! I am now obsessively checking your blog for news.
That is the doppler we have. I have no complaints. I was able to find the HB at 10 weeks and I have a tilted uterus. The doppler has saved my sanity the past two weeks! I would have paid double for it!
Hoping with each passing scan you can feel a little more peace. I understand the anxiety all too well and am not sure if I will ever relax until I am holding a baby but I am hoping for peace for you x
Go Nombie, Go! Keep growin' those arm buds! :) Yay for a great appointment!
YAY! So happy to see the Nombie is growing. Congrats. I'm still keeping you in my thoughts.
All of my fingers and toes are crossed for you! I am so so so hopeful that this will be your take home baby!
I am so happy for you. I rented a doppler for around 30 a month until around 20 weeks...
Fantastic news!!! Continuing to hold hope for you that all will progress smoothly with this pregnancy! We got the sonoline B and LOVE it!!! We weren't able to detect the heartbeat at home until about 14wks, but it has been such a relief when I feel worried and we can check to be sure baby is okay. I'd highly recommend it!
I bought a doppler on Ebay for about 60 bucks. Same kind we used at the hospital.
And whew! for another hurdle crossed.
Here is where I got mine and the first time I heard the hb it was worth every penny of the $56!!
The says you can hear as early as 8-10 weeks.
So So So glad that Nombie is well!
I think the ladies have give great suggestions on the doppler front already!
Peace and Love!
Awww - LOVE the pictures of Nombie. ♥ I'm SO SO SOOOOOO happy for you, Steph. Looking forward to continued good news. I could never have lived without my doppler! Well worth every penny I spent on it. I would totally send you mine, but I lent it to a friend and she moved to Seattle. :-/
nombie is beautiful!
continuing hope and sticky thoughts
Woooohoooooo...grow beautiful baby grow!
As for dopplers, if you can swing buying one, it isn't much more expensive than renting it and you can always resell it later if you chose.
Oh! So relieved and happy for you!
I know you are more than cautious given your history, but this little Nombie is a fighter. I am looking forward to hearing more good news as well.
As far as the doppler (which we bought), I did not use it until 12weeks or so because honestly, if you cannot find the heartbeat (which is much more likely as you know when they're smaller), it will only increase your anxiety and that's not the goal. So what I did was get weekly ultrasounds from my OB (yes, weekly, but it was well worth it for my general snaity and they were so sweet to have obliged) until 12 weeks at which time I think I could find the heartbeat pretty easily. It's also watching the medical professionals find it frequently enough so you know the specific location as searching around is sooooo anxiety-inducing.
And that heartbeat...183...that's a beaut!!
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