Monday, July 12, 2010


While handing him the specimen cup, I said offhand, "Happy Anniversary."
He took it and raised an eyebrow at me, "Isn't this my gift to you?"
"Not until you fill it."


It's the little things.

Count was 22 million with 70% motility. Not bad, but not anywhere as good as last IUI (but we didn't abstain from intercourse before this one, so that might have had something to do with it). Regardless, the doctor said it was within normal range. I can feel some ovary action as I type this, so hopefully that's a good thing. I start progesterone on the 14th I believe. And we are under the two week wait as of tomorrow.

Wooooo.... finally.

Our anniversary has been wonderful, despite the early morning run around with the clinic. We spent most of the day perusing the zoo, and enjoying life. I am exhausted and a little sunburnt, but again- it was a lovely day and totally worth it.

I needed that.

Thanks for all the anniversary and IUI well wishes- I greatly appreciated reading them, you are all so kind!

3 comments: said...

Hope its a good cycle! One that takes you to a baby or two.

I am glad you had a fun time with your hubby.

Kristin said...

I am hoping and praying and crossing everything I can in hopes that you get a wonderful belated anniversary present. said...

I'm glad to hear that your anniversary was so good!! :)