So Monday, we had to get it re-done. So we went to a lab that was closer, but is still part of the lab corporation, so it should have been processed- right? No, they didn't send it out like they should have. So, I had to wait until today to finally get my E2... a nice 271.
So, let's re-cap where we are this cycle, compared to my last injectable cycle... shall we?
This cycle I had an E2 of
34 on CD3,
then 52 by CD 6,
271 by CD10.
I also already have a 10 and an 11 maximum this cycle, per my ultrasound on Sunday.
I was upped to 225iu by CD6.
Last time I had an E2 of
34 on CD11,
then 86 by CD17,
160 by CD20,
and 296 by CD23.
I had an 11 finally on CD 20 that cycle.
I didn't get upped to 225iu until CD 23... and even then, he only thought I was on 187.5iu.
What a huge difference.
I wonder what tomorrow's ultrasound and blood work will show?
Oh, yesterday was my husband's birthday too. So, he enjoyed getting up early on his birthday/day off work, and going with me for some needle-sticking-fun. I made up for it by letting him eat wherever he wanted for lunch, which was a mistake- a big one. I don't mind burritos every now and then, but they upset my tummy big time. I think I ate too much of it, or it had too much lime... because yesterday I was nauseous all day. I'm glad he enjoyed it though.

My little brother still stays with us on the weekends, he is insistent... and I am not going to argue, because I love him and enjoy our time together. I can't believe it will be his birthday in another two weeks- and he'll already be 14!
I bought my husband some computer-geek t-shirts, and made him a tacky computer cake with binary on it- see? The binary was supposed to read, "Happy Birthday" but I ran out of room.
I know, it's not very good looking- but it was delicious and unexpected. So he liked it.
I am older than my husband, by 8 months (that's almost a year!) so every year I joke with him about how he finally caught up to me- and then the cradle robbing jokes begin. See, he was two months away from his 18th birthday when we actually started dating- and I was already 18, obviously.
Oh, I know- terrible.
I should have a cycle update tomorrow- let's hope it's a good one!
Haha, I'm 4 months older than my hubby and we do the cradle-robbing jokes too. We seem to think we're hilarious. ;)
That cake makes me want chocolate SO bad...
I think you did a great job with the cake. Happy Birthday to your hubby!
I hope tomorrow is good news!
Happy Birthday to your hubby! And, numbers sound good so far.
Glad your E2 was in a better spot. This cycle does sound much better than the last. BTW, the cake was very cute. Glad your hubby had a good birthday.
Glad your E2 was in a better spot. This cycle does sound much better than the last. BTW, the cake was very cute. Glad your hubby had a good birthday.
I think the cake is adorable! You are so cute! :)
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