When we returned, we got to sit in the room for about ten minutes while we waited on the doctor. After she arrived, she got the catheter and specimen ready to go, inserted the speculum and the next think I knew- she was done. Didn't feel the catheter at all. I got to lay for ten minutes, and then we left.
Afterward there was some cramping but that was manageable with my trusty acetaminophen- and it passed quickly. So, overall the IUI was pretty simple. Of course, I have to question why the thing costs so much, but everything about infertility costs a fortune- so it doesn't surprise me.
I guess my main issue with IUI for us, is that I just don't think it's neccessary. I mean, maybe it will give us an extra 1-3% chance of getting pregnant... but the sperm meeting the egg hasn't been our problem at all. Our problem is egg production, and losing babies. So, the IUI- although simple- seems wasteful. I mean, I'll be glad if it works out, and it was certainly less stressful for me than trying to have intercourse when I didn't want to (2.5 years of infertility and I'm just now finding minor issues with getting in "the mood") But I still felt it was a waste of money.
I don't know- maybe it's my psychosis with believing that everything was for nothing.
But I have to tell myself that, really, because I don't want to get my hopes up. Not right now.
I started the progesterone supplements last night. They are gross, but I'll do what I have to in order to give this cycle a fighting chance. I owe it that much, I suppose.
And we are now 2 days past ovulation. I am pretty positive I ovulated the day of my HCG trigger shot, or the day afterward. Just judging my my body's reaction, my basal body temperature, and such. I could be wrong- I mean maybe I didn't actually ovulate at all.
Who knows. I certainly don't. I'm just making wild assumptions.
We will hope for you...
Even if it is only 1-3%better chance it is still better then nothing. At least that is what I told myself. I am hoping this works out for you! Keeping everything crossed. ((HUGS))
Here from LFCA...
Sending good vibes your way! My fingers are crossed for you this cycle!
I thought the iui was really easy too. Blech to progesterone.
Good luck as always. Sperm was not our problem either, and I also regarded IUIs as a waste of time. But then I'd hear stories about IUI working when there wasn't any apparent problem, so I thought, no one ever knows anything. I'm glad I did it, even if it was, for me, just to know that IUIs don't work.
Progesterone suppositories are horrid....but I still hope you have to use them for the next 10 weeks or so.
I hear ya. It's amazing something so quick and simple (that even a nurse did for me once when the RE was sick) can cost so much. It's certainly a business isn't it? Good luck!
Crossing my fingers for you!!! And I second the fact that progesterone sucks but I am glad I had it though those first weeks.
I hope this is it for you!!
I hated the suppositories as well. For my FETs I was doing PIO and supps bah! I wished they would have just upped the PIO.
Hoping for you...
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