We did the trigger on Wednesday. That was amusing; it's been over two years since A had to give me a shot. He was all fine with doing it, but then he saw the needle and said, "That's a really big needle." I reminded him that it was intramuscular, and he shook his head. Poor guy is still a little squeamish about needles, but he's come a long way! I remember when he couldn't watch me do my injections or get blood drawn. It kind of sucks that we both had to get over our needle phobia, but it is what it is. Needles? Pfft. No biggie. He was injecting it really slow and I had to remind him it wasn't as viscous as PIO and to just plunge that crap.
Good times.
Thursday I had a ton of abdominal discomfort and bloat, so I'm pretty sure that's when I ovulated. I had to post-pone my jog until Saturday because of how uncomfortable I was. It wasn't as bad as the cycle with V (where I had 7 follicles, if you remember) but I'm hoping that's a sign that all 3 matured enough and released. It was iffy whether the 13 would catch up. If not, at least the other two should have been good.
I was supposed to start the progesterone Friday, but I didn't get a temp rise until Saturday morning so I waited until then. So, on Crinone again. Yay. Sort of. I hate the residue and clumpy crap it leaves behind. It builds up too. I don't know if everyone has this problem, or just me, but I sort of prefer PIO. Yeah, it hurt and left lumps, but it didn't leave a packing of gunk behind. Ugh. Yuck.
So, based on my trigger I'm 4dpo today. Not sure when I'll test. The trigger has always been out by 9dpo, so I guess at 8-9dpo I'll use one of my cheapie pregnancy tests to make sure that's out. After that... I don't know. I might wait until 13-14dpo this time, since I only have one first response early response test. If I have spotting before then, I'll check earlier though. My last two pregnancies I had spotting at 11dpo and tested positive, I also had low progesterone last time, and I suspect that was the case with the third miscarriage (and that might have contributed to the implantation failure).
So, the TWW is under way. More updates to come, I'm sure. There really isn't much to say though- we've done everything we can, and now the rest if out of our hands. Come whatever may. I'll probably post to pass the time, if nothing else.
THinking of you! Trigger shots hurt so much it is unreal!!!
Here's hoping, it could happen! We got a bfn this month but I m kind of relieved since I am going to be having major dental work over the next few months and this means I can take advil and get x rays.
Hoping this cycle will be the one.
Thanks ladies!
Celia, sorry for your BFN. I can understand about the dental work though! I had to get a lot done last cycle. I'd rather take Iburpofen or Narpoxen Sodium than Tylenol too, youch.
*fingers crossed* Seems crazy seeing these posts again! :-) So hoping this is it, and it's not another long process!!!
Best of luck to you! Keeping positive thoughts going in your direction.
Oooh good luck!! Two years??!! really!
Crossing my fingers for you!!
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