We need to talk.
You were supposed to be fooling my estrogen receptors into thinking I was running on empty. This in turn should have tricked my body into upping it's production, thereby creating follicles, which would release eggs.
It is cycle day 16, dear CloMood. And all I have to show for it is about five days worth of CloMood migraines, and achy ovaries. And since we both know from experience that neither of those mean anything, and are just annoying side effects... well, I think we know where this is going. Where's my ovulation, CloMood? Where's my egg?
CloMood, you were not the friend I thought you would be. While you did get me to ovulate a whopping two times (out of seven cycles) and I did get pregnant once with you (although it ended in miscarriage) well, CloMood, you are being a real pain in my arse. I don't like getting side effects with no main effect. And I am sick of it. You can not keep toying with me.
And you won't. CloMood, we have come to the end of our journey together. While we had some good times, they are far overshadowed by the downtimes. CloMood, this is your Dear John letter. This will likely be our last encounter. I wish we could end on a more postive note, but it is what it is. I am not entirely sad to see you go. I wish you'd take your side effects with you...
Another Dreamer
I hated clomid. I hate the migraines, the mood swings, the visual disturbances, and I hated how it failed to make me ovulate about half the time. Femara was so much better, and had virtually no side effects for me. Would you consider a Femara cycle?
UGH! Clomid is th DEVIL. It has the worst side effects - BY FAR- of any of the other crazy drugs I've put into my body over the last 2.5 years.
I always surged on Day 17ish. Perhaps you will too :)
I agree with birds, Femara was much better in terms of side effects.
Hang in there.
We call clomid The Devil in our house. We literally laughed in the face of my RE when she mentioned it (after having done 1.5 rounds with my OB. Yes, that's right, not 1, not 2, but 1.5. ugh)
{{{Hugs}}} I am sorry.
UGH sorry youre having so many problems with the Clomid. I don't like it either... but aside from all the side effects, it does make me ovulate so I'm sticking on it for a little while... have you thought about switching to Femara?? I'm considering the switch as well...
Shitty Aunt Clo. Maybe your doctor would let you try Femara?
Good riddance! I am curious about the Femara too. Is that an option?
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