Nombie is still baking. Today's appointment wasn't the most inspiring. I'm sitting at 1 centimeter dilated, and this time she said I was 50% effaced. Yeah, last time she said 80%... which is right? Who knows. Our estimated due date is in 3 days, and I'm still not feeling contractions or anything. Things feel very... stagnated.
You know, for how hard my body tried to get rid of the pregnancy in the beginning, it sure isn't trying to do anything now. It's quite the reversal.
One good thing did come out of our appointment: we have an end in sight. If he isn't here by 12/28, then we're going to start the induction process. So that means, at the latest, we only have one week left. 12/28 will put us at 40w+4d, which makes me happy; not too late, but not too early. Right now, 1cm and everything, conditions aren't favorable for an induction. She told me to be prepared in case it takes awhile, and of course it could end up as a c-section. Both scenarios I'm fine with, I just want the baby to be okay.
I know inductions aren't ideal, and we still hope that my body decides to get things moving on it's own, but in the event it doesn't... I want to do what I think is best for the baby. And for me, not waiting too long is important. I feel very relieved having a plan now, just in case.
Oh, and I gained 5lbs in the last week :/ I blame the holiday baking. I mean, I had to taste everything to make sure it was right.
I probably didn't need to taste test so much of it though. Yum.
I'm so glad that you have a plan that you are happy with. I'm glad they finally listened to you!! I can't with to see your little guy!
Our estimated due date is in 3 days, and I'm still not feeling contractions or anything.
The first (non B-H) contraction that I felt was 1 day before my due date, and 10.5 hours before I gave birth. I'd spent the entire previous week thinking "this baby is never going to come -- or at least not before my mom's visit is up and she flies back home". I had *no* signs of impending labor until the contractions started in the middle of the night.
Glad to hear you've got a plan in place, but hopefully he'll make the plan irrelevant by coming on his own!
My ob said I had a 50% chance of the induction working. Just to be prepared, give some thought to what you might rearrange if you can only go up and down the stairs twice a day. As in once in the morning and once at night. We were completely unprepared for that. But hurray for the end being in sight!!!
Just so you know, before I had my son, I wasn't effaced or dilated. Nada. I only had contractions when I'd pick things up that were too heavy (which was anything over 10 lbs at one point), and then one day, my water broke and bam, I had him.
Thanks for the feedback/experiences :)
Celia, I imagine that would be just like when I was on bed rest all over again. Thanks for the heads up!
Crystal, I am certainly hoping I'll be lucky and something like that happens to me!
I'm glad that you and the doctor were able to come to an agreement on an induction date! And I hope it doesn't take til then :o) Good luck! Think about you all the time!
you know what doesn't help things? Fear, it stalls labor. I would focus on meditating and most of all RELAXING. IF your body is not ready to be induced it will take forever. It sounds like you could be on the verge.
Please try and relax, it really helps everything. and i am not being offensive by saying that or taking it "lightly"
I was supposed to be induced but my OB stripped my membranes and everything happened on it's own.
I'm glad you have an end in sight and soon you will have your baby in your arms!! These last days are hard and wonderful at the same time. Enjoy them. :)
If Nombie is still in there, I would like to take this chance to say that my heart is so full for you and I am so happy that you are almost there. I think of you very often and pray for your family.
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