I had my weekly appointment today, and the baby's heart rate was good. He was very active too. I'm still not dilated at all, although she did say that it seemed "softer"... but not much progress there, regardless. My fundal height is already measuring 39 weeks now, so still about 2 weeks ahead. I didn't gain any weight at my last appointment, and at this one I'd actually lost a pound. So staying steady there now, which is weird considering how much it sky rocketed the last couple months. But that's good, just the same. Holding at around 20lbs total gain at this point.
I'm also starting to get worried about going overdue. I just have a lot of anxiety about it, that a lot of people just don't understand. It's not about "being done with being pregnant" or anything like that; I worry every day that he stays in me could be his last. I worry about losing my baby, like my sister lost my niece. I know my clotting disorder is being treated now, and hers wasn't at the time... but the fear is there, all the same. The closer we get to the estimated due date, the more I hope he comes just a little early. It's one thing to know the odds, and another to have someone be in those odds or to go through the trauma firsthand. I thought my niece was coming home, and then she didn't... I mean, she was past due, it seemed like such a done deal. I know Nombie is alive today... but what about tomorrow? I don't expect a lot of people to understand, and I know it's a bit irrational, but I can't help it... this is the reality I know.
I am hopeful that he will come home alive though. I am making preparations, putting the final touches on things, and savoring the moment. This month is going to be hard, waiting to see what happens. I'm so glad I'm done with work, so I can just focus on getting through this. I mean, it's not just the worry about going overdue... there's also the worry about labor itself, the weather, when exactly he's going to come... I'm just generally anxious.
I've been working on cleaning the house up and trying to get things ready. Busying myself. I still have quite a bit to do... (*cough-like the car seat installation/inspection-cough*). I keep telling my husband we need to get on that, but we are slacking. Hopefully we'll get to it this coming week? It feels like we still have forever, even though in reality he should be here this month... there are only 3 weeks left until our estimated due date.
The photos on the wall I found online and printed off of some old vintage birds. I had some old frames around the house, so we just spray painted them to match the room. I did put a quote on the far left one, it says, " 'Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts.' - Winston Churchill."
We got a lot of stuff as hand me downs, bought used, or were given to use and refurbished. I think we only bought a couple of things new, like the dresser and the crib. Which helped out so much, given the financial situation that our SCH had sent us into. I'm very happy with how everything has came together too. After I pidddle around in there setting things up, I like to sit in the rocker and just look at it all. It makes me happy.
Plus, I sort of have to sit down because doing the simplest things make me tired and sore these days haha.
When I see this one, I just keep thinking, "I'm averting my eyes, oh lord!" hahaha. Thanks Mo.nty P.ython.
"The closer we get to the estimated due date, the more I hope he comes just a little early. It's one thing to know the odds, and another to have someone be in those odds or to go through the trauma firsthand. I thought my niece was coming home, and then she didn't... I mean, she was past due, it seemed like such a done deal. I know Nombie is alive today... but what about tomorrow? I don't expect a lot of people to understand, and I know it's a bit irrational, but I can't help it... this is the reality I know."
I hope right along with you that your little man comes earlier rather than later! And I don't think your views on this are one bit strange. Once you know it can happen, really happen, that a baby is "there one day and gone the next," you never forget it. **Understatement.**
I don't have to tell you...
You are brave and we are pulling for you, with love,
Cathy in Missouri
And hear, hear for Winston Churchill!
I have a quote next to my computer:
"The truth is incontrovertible. Panic may resent it, ignorance may deride it, malice may distort it, but there it is."
Speak on, Sir Winston, even from the grave,
Cathy in Missouri
I totally and completely understand what you mean when you say "your ready for him to be here" The closer i got to my dd the more anxious I got... By week 39 I was praying for him to come early and healthy and you know what..........HE DID, 3 days early and I'll take it :) DD was 28 and he came 25.......
I actually have his birth story down on my blog because it(stillbirth) does more than make you anxious about a live delivery, it really messes with your head even if you don't think it does................ 3/25/11 took me a few years to write it down..
I pray with all i have that you, like me have a normal natural delivery and bring home a healthy happy little man!
Really hoping that you'll have an easy labor, early delivery and a healthy baby soon.
BTW, you look quite lovely next to the tree. Oh and I love that quote you have for the print. Think I'll save that quote to share with my husband when he comes home tonight.
Hang in there! Not much longer now!
So excited for you!! Hang in there! : )
I just noticed , You have the EXACT flooring I have. Could you pretty pretty please let me in on the manufacturer if you know it , I'm missin a huge chunk out of my living room floor and have never been able to find anyone who had the same thing!
Thanks everyone :) I appreciate all the support!
Stacy, you mean in the tree photo? I wish I could help you, but it was there when we moved in. My FIL was the one that did it, I think he bought it at Lowes... but other than that, I have no idea.
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