The change in him is remarkable. He's still scared of my husband to an extent, but he's so different now. He comes out and plays while my husband is home, he'll even play with my husband if I'm on the couch with him. This hasn't happened since Ishi was a kitten. He loves playing now, all the time. I mean he used to play when I was home alone, but it's like all that anxiety/testosterone got rerouted into play time all the time. His tail is the best toy EVER. It's super long, so it always surprises him when he sees it out of the corner of his eyes... I did say he was special, right?
But he still loves the cuddles, although I'm starting to think we've created a monster. He used to only follow me around meowing when I was home alone... now I get no peace. If he was a human, I'd have a restraining order against him- he's that obsessed with me. Every cat I've ever bottle fed has been obsessed with me, but never quite like this. It does make me smile, he always looks like he's so happy he could explode: I'm his whole world. I saved him, bottle fed him, have loved him, and he still thinks I'm the momma. He's not aggressive about it, or possessive, he doesn't get mad about me petting other cats or anything (just confused as to where his loving is)- he just waits for his chance. We spend most of the night together on the couch.
Oh, but the best part? He stopped spraying.
He does still get a bit freaked out when we rearrange furniture, or bring in new stuff, but it's not as bad. And he gets over it fairly quickly now, so that is definitely good. He doesn't get much more freaked out than everyone else, I'd say it's definitely more normal. I mean, all of them got freaked out when we brought in the hand-me-downs from my cousin, and the stuff from the baby shower, but they all dealt with it and calmed down in their own time. No matter what I do, I know that if Nombie comes home it'll freak them out. They'll probably all hide for awhile, but they'll adjust. Even Ishi.
- Nombie seems to be positioned weird. My right side is sticking out more than my left, and I've been having sharp pains over there where I've felt some movement. I've felt movement all over today, so I'm really not sure how he's positioned... but it's sharp. I told A- last night that I think I'm making a pointy baby. It's a really really sharp/stabby pain, up a little and to the right of my belly button. I'm hoping it's just him being positioned weird... and that he'll move so it hurts less. It's really hurts.
- I think I've started experiencing braxton hicks contractions in the past couple of days. I feel an uncomfortableness every now and then, and my abdomen gets tighter. Never having had BH contractions, I really can't say for sure if this is what it is. But given that I'm almost 32 weeks, I imagine it must be? It's not painful, just uncomfortable. I really can't discern when they start/stop or a pattern, so that's probably good right? I don't know. This is all new territory to me.
- I seem to have hit the point of pregnancy where everything hurts. I feel whiny and I'm trying not to complain because I am so thankful for every single day I get with Nombie. But I hurt all over, all the time, and I'm soooo tired. I can't get comfortable at night, my sides/hips hurt, I wake up so many times because I either need to flip sides or I need to pee, my head hurts, and my abdomen is just so sore all the time. I know it'll be worth it though, really, just so long as Nombie comes home alive. Until then, just taking things one day at a time and taking pleasure in knowing I'm almost there... less than 60 days now until our EDD.
Pregnancy can be very hard and the end is not fun. I used to cry after we would leave the ob and there was no change. Nature sets it up this way so you will be so desperate to get the baby out that you won't be scared of labor anymore. If you really want Nombie to move, and you are ok with doing it, put a cold pack where he is and he should try and scoot away. Sometimes this is done when you have not felt the baby move for a while. It does sound like BH. I have been having them for weeks and it's weird.
I am so excited for you! Yes, you're having Braxton Hick's right now and that is perfectly normal! I started getting them pretty early. It's just a tightening sensation that should't hurt, so you're good! You'll know when it's a pattern... if they start getting closer together, start writing down when you have them... especially if it's for a few hours. 32 weeks down, hopefully no more than 8 to go!
I am so excited for you! Yes, you're having Braxton Hick's right now and that is perfectly normal! I started getting them pretty early. It's just a tightening sensation that should't hurt, so you're good! You'll know when it's a pattern... if they start getting closer together, start writing down when you have them... especially if it's for a few hours. 32 weeks down, hopefully no more than 8 to go!
Our cats are amazingly tolerant of Peter and let him drive trucks over them. He is finally not trying to squeeze them/pull their tails/accidentally maim them. But they have been so patient. The first few weeks after we brought Peter home they were very lonely even though we were right there because they were used to more physical attention. Now they treat the day time like "Peter Time" and the night time and nap time is their time.
Woo Hoo so excited for you!! The home stretch is so very uncomfortable, and you can complain all you want about it. It doesn't change anything about you wanting this child, it flippen hurts all the time being stretched and pushed around from the INSIDE!!!
Ok now I'm gonna give 2 cents here as a fellow animal lover: the minute this baby is born have hubs bring that blanket home! Each and every day have him bring a new "dirty" blanket home and just throw it on the floor, wherever, doesn't matter.. Totally helps the pets "know" this new person before they actually move in :)
ALSO wanted to share that with my first, my oldest cat would poop under the rocker in his room every night for the first month, then he got over it and was fine :-)
I've bottle fed kittens before after their mom got hit by something when she was crossing the road. I felt so bad when we had to give them away. Not my decision since I was only 13.
Never been that far into a pregnancy myself either. If the pain continues for much longer you could always ask to see the doctor.
Unfortunately it seems as though we aren't allowed to sleep much the last month or two before the kid is due from what I've been told. Right now all I want to do is sleep but I think that is the progesterone shots.
Good luck!
My BX were very annoying. Never hurt, just took my breath away and tightness. They started when I was 30 weeks.
My labor though was rather painless, so maybe they really are good?
My white cat is also a bit on the odd side. Maybe because they are genetic mutations in the first place? LOL!
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