Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Well, that could have went better-

So, yeah. We don't have male factor infertility. Counts after sperm wash have always been around 30-80 million. Yeah... not this time. After wash? Only 8 million. Doc said she would have expected these numbers with male factor, but not to be alarmed just yet as these things sometimes fluctuate and it's hard telling why, blah blah blah. That being said, she was very glad we added the IUI this time... gives us a fighting chance.

If the numbers continue to be low when we do IUI again, she will recommend more testing. However, given our history of stellar counts she isn't too concerned just yet.

Still... it was a hard blow. Completely unexpected. I don't foresee a positive outcome in the next two weeks. I do foresee the 27 (which I have nicknamed "The Beast") turning into a giant cyst, when all is said and done... but, we'll see.

This cycle has been a giant crap shoot.

So lame.


Celia said...

Do not sweat that babe, Misters post wash count was under a million.

Melis.sa said...

I've heard about people with lower counts getting BFP's. Just saying ;)

If your DH was majorly stressed 2-3 months ago that could be what is impacting his count.

My DH had his first SA 2-3 months after working 90 hours a week and was sent to a urologist for his count. He did another SA right away with awesome numbers. Apparently being stressed as f*ck hurt his guys.

I hope this cycle surprises you!

Kristin said...

Damn, it really seems like the universe is trying to screw with you. I hope you get the most wonderful surprise at the end of this all.

Ali-paska said...

If great counts did not get you pregnant, maybe the lousy one will. We tend to joke around with my husband that maybe things need to go wrong for the conception to happen.

I am 3dpIUI so here is to patient, relaxed 2 weeks for us!

AnotherDreamer said...

Thanks ladies- you are, as always, my voice of reason ;)

Anonymous said...

I've seen women do IUIs with HUNDREDS of millions of sperm (no joke) and had them fail. Then I've seen women do IUIs with lower counts and end up pregnant with twins. As my RE always said about our low counts: as long as it's over 1 million, we're good to go with an IUI. He also used to remind me that only 100,000 sperm make it into the uterus during intercourse. And you have 7.9 million more than that in there!

I'm very hopeful for you. :)

Sarah said...

I feel your pain, the whole way along DH has had super sperm, when he provided the sample for IVF there were issues and we needed to add ICIS. I think sometimes the infertility stress can affect the little swimmers.

I know it is hard, but remember it only takes one of those little guys to get the job done!!

Anonymous said...

The exact same thing happened to me! After cycle after cycle with Clomid and Femara and no response, I finally went on Gonal-F, and WOW! I had 8 follicles! I had to convince them to go ahead with the IUI. On the day of the IUI - bad counts from the hubby! I couldn't believe it!
The next time after that we went with the double IUI. Believe me, I know it costs more, but it might up the odds. Also, sent hubby to a urologist, and they found out he's really low on testosterone.

janis said...

UGH. I have no experience with this but hope what others have said will be true for you. It may well turn out better than you expected! fingers crossed.

..al said...

My doc has reported a pregnancy with a count of 3 million post-wash.

Anyways, knowing how lucky we generally are...I do not know what you should expect...or should you expect at all.

I was reading through to your back posts, and stopped at the dream...I think you understood the dream perfectly....I hope things get better...

Good Luck with the IUI...I was able to read your FB updates on the cycle...(even though I did not comment on them)...

Take Care.

..al said...

Melissa said correctly...stress, lifestyle changes, and infection...anything can reduce the swimmers...

Anonymous said...

I had a 27 mm follicle the cycle that resulted in Birdie, from femara, late in the cycle. I was sure it was a cyst. His numbers that cycle were our second worst ever. I'm not trying to blow sunshine, but don't despair yet!