Where to begin? I think it started with the water main leak on our property. We had seven days to get that fixed, or they would have shut off our water. Thankfully A's dad (our landlord) and A fixed it by themselves. Whew. It took forever though because of tree roots, and the yard is a mess. It was resolved though! Huzzah for the small things.
After that, we had the flooding. We've had rain almost every day for the past two weeks now, and the other day it was really bad. So bad the basement flooded. This has happened before mind you, but not quite on this scale. We didn't realize it was flooding until it was too late. The washer/dryer are down there, by the way. So the dryer wasn't unplugged, and we hear it going "Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" until it shut off by itself. The water was pretty high. It put out the pilot light on our water heater too.
So we got that sump pumped out and dry again, but too late to contain the damage. The dryer won't stay running. We're hoping once it dries out more it'll be fine, or that it's an easy fix. I may cry otherwise. The pilot light on the water heater won't stay lit, really won't even relight. It's older than me, so we're figuring it's officially bit the dust. So we've been without hot water and a dryer for three days now. A and his dad are replacing the hot water tank tomorrow. If all goes according to plan. Fingers crossed.
Completely unrelated to the flooding? Our microwave stopped working. I kid you not, same night. The microwave will light up, it'll spin, but it wasn't heating anything. It's a museum display for food you can't eat!
It's moments like these that I'm convinced we have gremlins.
Today started with V's 18 month check-up, bright and early. The pediatrician was happy with his word progress, and progress in other areas. So, thankfully we didn't have to fight anymore about speech therapy! V got his last vaccination for a few years. He now associates laying on the exam table with his shots though, so laying him down to get his height did not go well. He's been crabby all day now too. He hasn't grown any in the past six months, not height or weight, but he sure feels like it. The doctor wasn't worried though, as V is very active and that can explain the weight. As for the height, we don't know how accurate that was since he was being a wiggle worm.
Of course I got a huge bruise on my back now from chasing after him... but I think it was worth it.
I might need someone to remind me I said that later.
So, that's the good and bad of it. It's been a rough week. There were good points, but I'm still ready for this week to be OVER. And I'm hoping- HOPING- that next week goes smoother!
How frustrating about all the appliances dying! The few times I've had to go without hot water have been awful.
However, going without a dryer isn't that bad. We moved to a place without one when Gwen was 19 days old (and we were almost exclusively cloth diapering). The Netherlands in winter is definitely not a place for hanging laundry up outside, but get a good drying rack and unless your house is excessively cold or damp, a load will generally dry overnight indoors.
It's now been 18 months that we've gone without a drying, and while things like towels and sheets are inconvenient unless it IS nice enough to hang them up outside, it hasn't been inconvenient enough for us to break down and buy a dryer.
Oh, I can't handle not putting my clothes through the dryer. Between the cat hair, the humidity, and lack of room to dry things inside, it would drive me nuts.
Uhg. Sorry all your appliances have gone haywire! Those pics of V are sweet though.
I'm with the above poster: since moving to Europe, where dryers are not commonplace, I hang dry everything. I actually now can't stand the feeling of clothes from the dryer, or how much wear and tear it adds. Either way, hope you get that sorted soon.
Happy (belated) Anniversary! Glad you had some good to weigh against the bad.
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